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Tempest : time will tear them apart / Julie Cross
Tempest : time will tear them apart / Julie Cross
Av: Cross, Julie
Utgivningsår: 2012
Språk: Engelska
Medietyp: Bok
Kategori: Skönlitteratur
Förlag: Macmillan Children's
ISBN: 9780330543804
Omfång: 412 p. 20 cm
Omarkerad betygsstjärna Omarkerad betygsstjärna Omarkerad betygsstjärna Omarkerad betygsstjärna Omarkerad betygsstjärna Omarkerad betygsstjärna Omarkerad betygsstjärna Omarkerad betygsstjärna Omarkerad betygsstjärna Omarkerad betygsstjärna
The Time Traveller's Wife meets The Matrix - an action-packed, roller-coaster of a ride, filled with drama, intrigue and romance in equal proportions. Tempest is a mind-blowing debut novel that will keep you guessing at every turn. Jackson Meyer is hiding a secret. He can time-travel. But he doesn't know how he does it, how to control it or what it means. When Jackson, and his girlfriend Holly, find themselves in fatal danger, Jackson panics and catapaults himself two years into his past, further than he's ever managed before, and this time he can't find a way back to the future. All the rules of time-travel he's experienced so far have been broken and Jackson has no choice but to pretend to be his younger self whilst he figures out a solution. Jackson is tearing himself apart with guilt and frustration, wondering if Holly survived. He's also become the target of a enemy force he cannot even begin to comprehend and it seems even his dad is lying to him. Jackson is racing against time to save the girl he loves, discover the truth about his family and, most importantly, understand why he can time travel and who wants him dead

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