Atlas of common pain syndromes / Steven D. Waldman.
Atlas of common pain syndromes / Steven D. Waldman.
Author: Waldman, Steven D
Publication year: ©2012.
Language: English
Media class: eBook
Category: Non-fiction
Publisher: Elsevier/Saunders
ISBN: 1455733555 9781455733552
Extent: 1 online resource (xi, 396 pages) : illustrations (chiefly color)
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Section 1. Headache pain syndromes -- section 2. Facial pain syndromes -- section 3. Neck and brachial plexus pain syndromes -- section 4. Shoulder pain syndromes -- section 5. Elbow pain syndromes -- section 6. Wrist pain syndromes -- section 7. Hand pain syndromes -- section 8. Chest wall pain syndromes -- section 9. Thoracic spine pain syndromes -- section 10. Abdominal and groin pain syndromes -- section 11. Lumbar spine and sacroiliac joint pain syndromes -- section 12. Pelvic pain syndromes -- section 13. Hip and lower extremity pain syndromes -- section 14. Knee and distal lower extremity pain syndromes -- section 15. Ankle pain syndromes -- section 16. Foot pain syndromes.

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Author: Waldman, Steven D

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